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Auditors and Data Analytics.

Auditors and Data Analytics Getting up to Speed! Auditors are getting up to speed with the use of data extraction, data analysis and data matching. Furthermore, many audit teams decide during the planning phase of audits, whether testing should be driven by Computer...

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Cyberattack and cybercrime floors organisations.

Cyberattack. It gives us no pleasure to say this, but on a Cybercrime course we ran in Scotland only three weeks ago we suggested that basic precautions against cyberattacks, such as keeping patches bang up to date, were often lacking in some of the organisations that...

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Training Events by Mindgrove for you.

We've populated our events calendar with training events that Mindgrove will be running. See them by selecting the 'Upcoming Events' option from our training menu. Some of the events are in Manchester (typically city centre) and...

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Report writing – the issues for auditors.

Report writing - love it or hate it? Most of us, at least when we start, struggle to write an audit report. The difficult stems from two issues: firstly we are not sure about the required content, even though our team has a template to help do this. Secondly,...

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