Online Learning

at your chosen place and pace
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Looking for quality online study?

Then Mindgrove’s online learning platform is the answer.

And if you think online learning is second best to face-to-face learning then you are in for a pleasant surprise!

We embed interactivity in our online studies delegates will encounter quizzes, tests, and practical work as well as meaningful imagery and downloads.

The commitment problem 

We know that training online has to work within the attention span and available time of learners.

That’s why we break all our learning down into easily digested units. And delegates can start and stop as and when they choose. Our learning is self-paced.

We also have a smart working plan for organisations to help their delegates get the best out of online learning.

Blended, Bite Sized or Tutor Assisted Learning?

Yes, can do!

We can deliver instructor learning for some parts of training and self-directed learning for other elements. We also have a number of tiny learning programmes that take not much more than 30 minutes to work through.

Furthermore, we can also provide tutor supported learning with set practical work to develop candidates in the more challenging areas of work such as report writing.

Learning – anyplace, anytime, any device

We have a state-of-the-art online Learning System that is engaging, immersive and responsive. It even adapts the content to the device you are using to access the platform.

Our users say that we provide a ‘great learning experience’ that helps make content memorable.

If you want to know more call us on 01925 730 200 or email us at

As a footnote, many of our existing courses, or elements from them, can be turned into an offline and online blended learning format. 

See our online modules in Part 2 of this catalogue